Create a new profile

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk *
Please ensure all alphabetic characters are capitalised and a space included.
Your password must contain a minumum 6 characters and must contain any 3 of a upper case, lowercase, numeric or special character

As part of our active talent pool, we will proactively search for candidates who match appropriate roles. Please specify your preferred role information below to aid in our searching.

Data Privacy

By disclosing your personal information to us through our website, by email or over the telephone, you should be aware that Lincolnshire Co-op will collect, store and process your personal information for the purposes of our recruitment processes, relating to the processing of necessary information to perform a contract or to take steps at your request, before entering a contract.

To learn more about how we will use your data during the recruitment process and how this will be stored, you can access a full copy of our recruitment privacy notice here: in new tab

CV Upload

Please upload your CV below. This will help to speed up the application process and populate your profile. There is a file size limit of 1Mb for your CV.

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